Share ClassLoad CommentsRIA BDInstitutional RetirementRetail
A ShareFront Average front end load of 3.75% to 5.25%. 12b-1 of 25 bps.No YesNoNo Yes
C ShareLevel Typically charge 1.00% up-front with a 1.00% trailing 12b-1. Deferred fee applies.No YesNoNo Yes
Institutional (INST)No-Load Class will not have any 12b-1 fees and generally no shareholder servicing fees. Minimums are typically higher and will range from $100k – $250k.Yes YesYesYes No
Investor (INV / ADV)No-Load Class will often have a 12b-1 fee (25 bps) and/or Shareholder Service Fee. Minimums are lower.Yes YesYesYes Yes
Retirement (R-6)No-Load Similar to an INST share class but will not have any additional fees – 12b-1, Shareholder Service Fee, Admin Svc Fee, etc….No NoNoYes No